THE HORSES SKULLS ARE FRACTURED WITH A RETRACTABLE BOLT! THE HORSES ARE HUNG BY THE HEEL AND BLED TO DEATH IN ORDER TO MEET THE USDA GUIDELINES FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION! The way horses are slaughtered is cruel and inhumane. They ride cramped in a trailer, sometimes a dangerous double-decker, for days at a time without food or water. Then they are cattle prodded out to be shot in the head with a "captive bolt pistol" or "stun gun" which is designed to render an animal unconscious-not dead. The horse is often still alive as it is hung by its hooves and throat slit.
In 1990 over 350,000 horses were slaughtered for their meat. In 2002 that number dropped to just over 46,000. This proves that there are available homes for these supposedly unwanted animals.
Taken from "The American Horse Defence Fund" Home page